What is a the IE.NU Domain?
Do you supply e-mail and web forwarding?
Can I use multilingual characters such as foders?
Do I own the name?
Understanding the Registration Form

What is the IE.NU Domain?

The IE.NU domain name was setup to allow everyone to have an Irish domain name. Thus bypassing the restrictions imposed by the Irish domain name registry. It has been suggested that "ie.nu" represents a better naming convention expecially for Irish Companies.

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Do you supply e-mail and web forwarding?

No!. Remember we are wholesaler's. Your ISP can then use the name you register here to provide you with these services. Most ISP's will make a charge for this though. See our list of ISP's.
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Can I use multilingual characters

No! All domain names (NOT JUST IE.NU) MUST follow these simple rules:

Please remember that internet domain names can only contain the following letters.: 
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, Spaces are NOT ALLOWED. 

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Do I own the name?

NO!: Registering a name does not signify ownership of that name (if the name is owned by someone else or is a trademark, then it may be theirs not yours). You only have the rights to use the name for two years. After 2 years you can continue to use it after paying the appropriate renewal fee.

Responsibility: You are solely responsible for the legal aspects of registering a particular name. The terms and conditions of IE.NU Ltd are available for viewing here.

Please note this does not constitute legal advice and you are liable for all consequences of registering a domain name. See the terms and conditions of IE.NU Ltd.

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Understanding the Registration Form 

0. "Request" - Select appropriate field to the type of application you are submitting. NEW for new applications. MODIFY for modifications. DELETE for domain deletion.

1. "Domain Name" - The domain name you are registering. This must be the full domain name excluding the extension, ie example for "zapper.ie.nu" enter "zapper". Please remember that internet domain names can only contain the following letters.: 
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, Spaces are NOT ALLOWED.

2. "User Organisation / Personal Details" - This is the organisation or person that the domain name is registered to.Changes to this field after registration are difficult and sometimes incur a charge. So get it right.

2b-k. "Organisation Contact Details" - The address of the organisation to whom the domain name is to be registered. 

3a-k. "Administration Contact / Agent" - This is the person who is responsible for queries relating to non-technical areas of the domain name. This person is usually the person who requested the name to be registered.

4a-k. "Technical Contact" - Person who is responsible for technical queries concerning the running of the domainname. Normally the ISP.

5a-k. "Billing Contact - The person to whom the invoice should be sent.

6a. "Primary Name Server" - The hostname of the primary DNS server for this domain

6b. "Primary server NET /IP address" - The IP address of the name specificated in 6a.

7a. "Secondary Name Server" - The hostname of the seconday DNS server.

7b. "Secondary server NET /IP address" - The IP address of the name server specified in 7a.

8a. "Secondary Server" - The hostname of additional secondary DNS server

8b. "Secondary server NET /IP address" - The IP address of the above server.

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